Travel Tag – Old Fashioned License Plate Game for iOS


Travel Tag is an iOS app of the classic license plate game that everyone played as a kid while driving down the road with your parents on a long trip. Travel Tag makes both short and long trips fun and helps to pass the time. Simply identify all 50 state license plates.

Travel Tag displays a map of your current location, and even provides help by showing you locations where license plates were recently spottted. From the Home screen, you have three options from the lower menu to select a state. You can display all states, those remaining to be found states, and states already found.

After you identify a license plate, Travel Tag will store the time and location, and allow you to view it again in the future.

See how quickly you can find all 50 States!

The original idea for this iOS app was my daughters, she thought it would be fun to use her iPad to play the game and keep track of her progress.  Over a couple weeks we put together the app and decided to make it available for free so that others could play with it as well!

iOS Simulator Screen shot Feb 5, 2014, 4.08.29 PMiOS Simulator Screen shot Feb 5, 2014, 4.11.45 PMiOS Simulator Screen shot Feb 5, 2014, 4.11.41 PM

4 thoughts on “Travel Tag – Old Fashioned License Plate Game for iOS

  1. Anna Green

    Seems pretty neat. I saw this on Justin Berk fb page. Any chance to make this for droid???

  2. Jen

    Saw you on JB’s page…Love this- a childhood Sumer vacation favorite made modern, and my hubby can’t cheat lol! Good idea!

  3. gsmith Post author

    Thanks for the feedback Beverly. Wyoming is actually in the list, it is the last blank white space at the bottom. It appears that the name is not getting displayed properly. We will fix this ASAP.

    Thanks for letting us know!

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